Don t Disrespect Anime on My Tl Again

Hello everyone. Welcom to my new weblog. Later Sugar and Courtney it'southward the time for focusing on the controversial daughter of the 2nd generation: Zoey. Same for Courtney and Sugar, zoey is very controversial. Some people really love her while some truely

"Oh my god blog but nearly me? thank you so much Tom"

hates her. My opinion is kinda circuitous. I wanted to love her only the writing prevented me. In this web log I will explain what was adept about the idea backside her character, why and how information technology failed, how it could be fixed and proficient affair that the writers did with her grapheme.

Zoey every bit the idea

Zoey was meant to exist well liked by the fans. She seems to exist reletable person. Zoey seems to be the "Bridgette" or "Sky" of the 2d generation: the sanest and nicest daughter. However unlike Bridgette and Sky (or Emma) Zoey touched subject that rarley was touched in the testify: loneliness.

Merely four characters have loneliness every bit primary subject or equally the concept of the grapheme: Gwen, Zoey, Sammy and Jasmine (I wish at least one male had some story of loneliness). Each of them had diffrente type of loneliness.

Gwen: It was her pick to exist a loner. She had three friends back dwelling but in the testify information technology took some time from her to open upward to other people. She don't know why she is a loner just well-nigh likley it has something to do with her father beind absent from her life.

Zoey: Like Gwen, Zoey is a loner besides. Dissimilar Gwen Zoey want to be involved in the social life. Simply she lives in a reality that keeping her loneliness relevant: She is only child, lives in small town and most of the teenagers in her age are not type of people who tin can understand her. Her options are really limitated.

Sammy: Sammy is a loner because of other person: Amy, her twin sister. Amy proceed on ruin Sammy's life and forbid her exist happy. Her loneliness still agile because of Amy.

Jasmine: Jasmine's loneliness caused by people misjudged her and not knowing her.

Having character like Zoey is a good thought, showing us a loner, who doesnt want to be a loner, but she is a loner and don't know how to cease. For some people, cease existence loner its an easy affair to practice. Just for some other people, like people with social anxity or AVPD (like I have) its really hard and without the proper treatment, its almost impossible.

My first impression

Having skilful impression is the most important thing you

Zoey's audition left me with a good outset impression

need to practise to be liked by other. The first time I saw Zoey was in her audience tape. She seems really nice to me and I was so certain im going to love her very much. Same goes with the showtime episode. Zoey is a character I could relate a lot, even more Noah, Harold and Courtney (the 3 grapheme who I can relate the most). Same for Zoey I was only kid for most of my life. My siblings were born when I was xv, and they are from my male parent's 2d marrige (and since I live with mother, I still was her merely child in my ain dwelling house). And I never met people at my age who I tin be friend with them. I never found any person with same interests equally I take. All my classmates loved to drink, go to clubs, upload photos to facebook/instegram/twitter and stuff like this. Nobody beloved to reading books, watching horror films, playing video games, helping animals. I have nobody to talk to and I felt similar people just saw me as the preppy goth or something like this. I was friendly to others but there was no chemistry. And having AVPD fabricated it fifty-fifty harder. So when zoey innovate to us, I was happy to see the writers finally having a character of a loner who want to end her loneliness but she doest not know how to do it. But my hopes were for zippo because the great idea behind her character was infulenced by bad writing in both her seasons.

Then what went incorrect with her?

Her design

Well Zoey is really hot. Why it is not the best thought for her character?

What? Zoey is the most beautiful daughter on the show (sorry Lindsay) so what the problem with her design? Well merely think nearly how the show would look like if Alejandro has Noah's blueprint. ridiculous correct? now switch between Dawn and Taylor. Its ridiculous to see Dawn behive in her carless mental attitude while Taylor being and then spritital who cared most the animals and the mother nature. Same goes with Zoey. I think the fashion the creators designed her not fit at all to her character or the messege they want to give. This design is likewise hot for the character Zoey intents to be. Zoey has rounded buttock, large breast, wearing strapless shirt with cleavage, her belly button visibale, hills sandals, perfect make upward, pretty face. Zoey look similar a model, she can be put in the aforementioned line with the other hot total drama girls like Lindsay, Dakota, Anne Maria, Amy and Sammy or Taylor.

But her personality or backstory does not fit that much with the blueprint we got. Zoey is shy daughter next door, social awkward, has low self esteem and low cocky confidence and she apologizing a lots. I dont know, but this personality doest not fit to the design we got. Nosotros got a pattern of a model with self confindence. Not shy girl next door.

Im not maxim that Zoey should exist ugly or she should exist covered similar a nun or orthodox woman. But her wait does non supposed to be that sexy. An boilerplate look, at least with clothing, is better choice. Zoey's personaity fits manner better with a look that simillar to Bridgette, Courtney, Sky, Emma or Carrie.

In TD the characters look like and wearing like they type of personality they are representing. Jo is a jockette and then she is wearing sweatpants, Gwen is a goth of of course she will habiliment nighttime habiliment and dyin her pilus. Alejandro is a spanish lover and so he need tan skin, long dark hair and hot body. Heather is a femme fatale and then information technology make sense to wearing an outfit that reavel her skin and hot body. Simply Zoey is not sopposed to be hot. She supposed to be avrege daughter, like virtually of the girls.

I accept a bigger problem with the way the creators classified the females in this season. Simply this is for another web log.

I saw one time this fanart and I recollect this is groovy design for Zoey

Dumping her friends storyline subsequently 1 episode

So later on seein her audition and watching her first episode, it

"Co-ordinate to your aura your friends plot will be dumped after one episode" - Dawn

seems she volition be involved with two storylines: getting friends and be with Mike. However afterward i episode all the friends and loneliness things was dumped for skilful. Zoey's homelife and her loneliness never brought dorsum in any indicate. Zoey joined to TD to find new friends afterward she failed to do it in her hometown. And worst: she even rejected ii potential friends: Dawn and Dakota. Dawn was the nicest person to her before her elimination. She was the merely ane who felt any empathy for her in the start episode and she comforted her after Mike tunred into Vito (well... with Mike laying to Zoey, it leaves Dawn the nicest person to Zoey at that moment). But Zoey simply went to the conffesions booth and gossiped about how Dawn is creepy (Beth in "Go A Inkling"). Later on the season, later Dakota turned into Dakotazoid in the worst epiosde of the flavor and the series (yep even worst that "Sundea Dirty Sundea") she proteced her from the munats all the episode. Just later Zoey voted for her (and its kinda dumb plot because Scott doesnt need Zoey to vote with him. he had Chris head statue).

Zoey does not fifty-fifty trying to befriend with the other. The only time there is some attempt is comfiting Brick in the 2d episode. Well later she and Cameron get friends but this is mainly considering of Mike's absenteeism.

So basicly Zoey's (seems to exist) primary plot was dumped after i episode and she left with not so proficient plot. And her plot was...

Dependent on Mike!

Mike just keep Zoey from beingness good character. Zoey has proficient reason to exist mad.

And then all of Zoey's graphic symbol was spend to be Mike'due south girlfriend. Sometimes things like this happened, when a graphic symbol served but every bit a love interest. But the problem here is that Zoey has bigger role in the season and bigger screentime. And of course: she is a main character. But everything she has to say or think, its continued somehow to Mike. Cameron is Mike'due south bestie? Then he is also Zoey's bestie! Mike hate Scott? so Zoey hates him too because he eliminated Mike (and non because Scott was huge jerk to almost anybody). Anne Maria has crush on mike? lets slap her!. at some point it beginning to be annoying that the sole matter that continue Zoey is her love for Mike, a guy who lay to her.

And things similar this happned a lot. A great concept of a character that simply wasted on the love storyline. Some other example for this is Aria Mongromery from "Pretty Lilliputian Liars". If you never watched the show hither some TL;DR: Aria is an interesting concept. She is some kind of creative person indie daughter. She loves literature (her favorite genere are criminal offence novels), love quondam B&W films, she write songs and stories, play violin and she design her ain clothes. She had interesting POV of life and her backstory is interesting. However all of her graphic symbol just spend on be with her boyfriend Ezra. for 7 seasons she has this boring storyline with "on off" relationship with Ezra. It was and then worst that even the actress, Lucy Hale, beg from the showrunner to creat an interesting plot for Aria. for the first four season out of all the four main characters Aria was involved the least with the principal storyline. Same goes with Zoey. The idea behind her character is great, but the writing spend but on Mike. And fifty-fifty Mike is not that adept character. In fact I think he is worst than Zoey.

Zoey was so depend on his graphic symbol in ROTI and then we barley felt Zoey. Nosotros felt a girl who want Mike and her name is Zoey.

Just ever worst: more than Zoey was depended on Mike, Mike was depended on Zoey even more her (and it became worst in TDAS)

Damsle in disstress

For the first three flavour we met a lot of strong girls. In fact,

A Hot girl in danger?. Nosotros are going to encounter a lot from this in ROTI.

all the girls were potent in some way. Sometimes they were in disstress just most of the times they were heroes. However after iii seasons of strong women, ROTI do the full opposite and did worst writing with the female characters. But I will leave it to some other blog. However Zoey, our new primary female person (who is non the primary protagonist) is non strong like gen 1 girls. This time Zoey is a pure damsle in distress. well-nigh every episode she plant herself in a new danger and who volition rescue her?

A) will Zoey rescue herself?

B) or volition 1 of her female teammate save her?

C) or a dude, her love intrest will save her?

the answer is C. With the expetion of episodes 7+8 (where Brick and Dakota saved her) she was saved by mike every time. Seeing a damsle in disstress as the principal female afterwards three seasons of strong female is not that dainty affair to run into.

I exercise not say that information technology should be illigal to see female in disstress in TV or movies. But this time when information technology happened everytime to Zoey, subsequently three seasons of girl ability, automaticly Zoey will exist seen as inferior compers to Heather, Leshawna or Sierra.

These are all of her problems in ROTI. TDAS changed Zoey alot. It solved some issues but created others. Some will say that TDAS bug are worst.


Here we come to one of Zoey's poor writing: godplaying. While she was a damsel in disstress in ROTI, Every bit tunred her into a godplayer for no real reason. Already in the first iii episodes nosotros tin can see her exercise things that normally she could not do before and we take zero explanations how she does that. In the start episode she maneged to hit the sharks on her get-go effort. In the second episode she throwed the last piece to the statue exactly in the correct place. Than in episode 3 she does the backflipping on the tree (this moment was and so WTF at my first sentry) and dogdeing the leeches that Jo throwed at her (and the outcome: Queen Jo eliminated). And every bit long the flavour progress Zoey proceed on godplaying. Zoey not beeing weak and damsnle in disstress is a good matter. Merely she does not have to be godplayer to not be weak. At that place is no explantions how ROTI Zoey became TDAS Zoey. Yes I know at that place is "Commando Zoey" (and yes she will be in this blog besides) but there is no character development or progress. We see dansmle in disstress turning intro commando emotionless daughter, turning normal again and now she is godplaying her way to the finale. we never saw whatever progress of her becoming stronger. We cant start at point A and go directly upward to point Eastward without passing points B, C and D. But this is what the writers did with Zoey.

A character development its nost just a character become another person in the end of a season/series/picture show/volume/game. Its a progress. Let's take Heather for a moment, a character that a lot of fans claim she had great character development during the offset three seasons. And it was great because each season showed us 1 level of Heather'south evolution from

"Then... if I am a godplayer, but i'm atheist besides, does it makes me hypocrite?"

antagonist to protagonist. While TDA Heather consider as the underdog of the Heathers, she is important! jumping from TDI Heather to TDWT Heather is amature writing. We have to see TDA Heather, this is important for her development as a graphic symbol. Heather has to be in the spot of the underdog/outcast, be in the spot of her victim from TDI. Simply than, after was the loser, Heather need to build over again her spot equally the queen.

Dissimilar her Zoey was damsle in distress and in TDAS she become some wonder adult female. Zoey having finally mental breakdown is a skillful mode to start Zoey development from a victim to a hero. Only instead of do information technology, they created Commanado Zoey, dumped it and for no clear reason Zoey retunred as a godplayer and non just on the concrete aspect she is godplayer. Its goes the aforementioned with her mental state. She had so low self conviction/esteem and now she is ready to exist the leader of her team? at present she can see friends in (almost) anyone? at present everyone want her advice? Sure getting self confincese is a character development. But over again: Zoey never went out of her comfort zone (in her case: Mike and Cameron) and then it does not make any sense how her character developed without seeing the developmnt. we saw the outcome of an unseen (and unproved) development.

Mary Sue? more than like Zoey sue

Maybe the biggest thing that people say about Zoey: being Mary Sue. if Zoey had some flaws in ROTI, she lost them in TDAS. Now she is good with everything. She is idolized by a lots of characters who talk about how sweet she is (pretty much female version of TDA Owen with his characrer shilling). She never failed, she never being called out, she never was the but of a joke. never puked, fart or something. never got whatever serious hits from annihilation. She never targeded for eliminations because she was then usefull in challanges. And in the merge nobody voted for her because the beginning merge challange Duncan'due south kicked out, than Cameron quit due injuries and than the next three challanges Zoey won and so she had immunity. Zoey won all these times was kinda dumb, especially there is no real justified to beat Scott in the eating sundea challange because he eats clay!!!

I really dislike all the characters of Mary Sues (or Gary Stues if its a male). These grapheme are just not interesting. we

"She is and then pretty, so stiff, and so smart and then talaneted and everyone loves her. Her name is Mar-- I hateful Zoey... Sue!" - Chris

want to see some flaws, some characters (non antagonists) who disagree with our heroes or even dislike them.

The irony virtually Zoey is that her biggest flaw beingness flawless. Lets accept Gwen for example: Gwen was the protagonist of TDI. She came from the same world of loneliness and she did proficient in challange. She never was target of elimination before the merge and after the merge simply once (in challange she won). Just unlike Zoey Gwen had many flaws. She had bad attitude, was anti social for the first one-half and she insult people kinda fast (the outset matter she e'er said to Lindsay was "idiot"). But this what made Gwen great protagonist. we get to dear her desptie having flaws. And she had great evolution. The sarcastic anti-social girl from the start becoming more and more friendly to other, she open up for other and become better person (I miss you TDI Gwen!!!)

How she handled with Mike/Mal

The way she handled with Mike and Mal was just poor. She

"Ok information technology was the worst idea ever... look how I practise it? is Sky possesing me? only she not even be however!"

never figured out about it until the very last moment of terminal episode before the finale. She saw glims of Mal throu all the season, but he did not realize this. It brand more than impaired how she put her life on a adventure just to see if Mike is still there. And in the semi final episode, wouldn't it be easier to bring Mike back if Zoey will take Scott to the finale so Mike's parents and doctor could do the matter they did to lock Mal'due south inside Mike's listen again?

Why the writing backside her was such a mess?

At commencement, I really don't know why the writing behind her character was a mess but I can judge. To make this much more than esier I will begin with TDAS


So why the writers turned Zoey from a damsle in disstress to

"What? they wanted to prepare me. It'southward a good thing. who cares information technology was in the worst way in the worst flavor?"

a wonder adult female? my guess its just redical mode to undo the mistakes with her writing in ROTI. ROTI was critised past many people for having sexist writing and the poor way the females this season were represtented and the poor treatment they got (unless information technology's Jo...). And so when Zoey return in TDAS, the writers were afraid to do the aforementioned mistake again then instead of thinking hard who to develp her character, they but did the reverse thing they did in ROTI. Did Zoey had zero self esteem? at present she has too much. Was Zoey damsle in disstress all the time? at present she saving herself and other with no real explantion. Do people took advantge on Zoey? now everyone is respect her. In theory, its a great thing to write massive modify, but the progress of the development wasn't here at all. The writers really wanted u.s. to honey her then they thoutht that if Zoey volition be good at everything and had no flaws she volition liked by u.s..


"Don't feel and so bad Zoey. The writers disrespect all the girls in this flavour. Well all the girls besides me LOL" - Jo

Honestly, I have no thought why the writing turn out to be like this. Because the problem with Zoey is not just for her, its for all the females from this season (again with the expetion of Jo). I'grand not saying the females from this seasons are bad (in fact three females from this season can be establish on my top 5 characters from this generation) because they were good. Just seems the writers really dont care virtually them. And Zoey just brand information technology further because the writers did non wanted the but dominant female in this flavour to be antagonist then they just took Zoey to exist "the nicer female".

I will do in the future post nearly the females in this flavour. In fact it can be my very next post.

But Zoey is not that bad

From all this post it seems that I hate Zoey. But I really don't. She is in my neutral zone. And I call back in that location are good things the writers did with her characters, and ironicly nigh of them from TDAS

Deserving winner

We tin say a lot of things most TDAS and its finale and concluding

Well dissimilar another finalists Zoey still worked hard.

2. Just I totally think Zoey is deserving winner. with better writing she could be 1 of the greatest. But still, she wasn't floated past anyone. She was the leader of her squad, the infrior team with the least corporeality of loses. She was strong player who won challanges and kept for minimal respect with others. I honestly belive that if Mike was switched past Courtney (or even Scott) we could have much better final 2.

She is a good person

Zoey gave advices to Courtney proved that Zoey still had a little respect for her.

We can't deny it. Zoey is a skillful person, she has practiced intentions and she desire to be nice with anybody. in a series like TD, with a lots of antaognists (or less nicer people) its good sometimes to have a person like Zoey, who is like the squad mom, who tin can give other advice and help them. I admint that I really like her friendship with Gwen. It began really late, and information technology made Gwen the 4th memeber of the trio, but at that place was something actually cute about their friendship. It was maybe the offset fourth dimension since TDWT when nosotros actually saw a friendship between two females.

She will do evertything for the people she likes

Yes rejecting Dawn and Dakota was hypocrite affair to practise in

We tin can dislike Gwen's behaviour in TDAS. Only it was nice to run across someone really friendley with her afterwards the love triangle crissis happened

ROTI. Only later in the series its actually clear that if Zoey care for someone, she will exercise everything for this person.

Commando Zoey

I wish y'all were real Commando Zoey

I love Commando Zoey. I think she was really cool and her concept (in the baroque world of TD) it make sense. After she spend all her life for pleasing people and let other took advantge on her, when she fall from the cliff and brok her necklace, she got to her breaking point and all the rage from all her life only broke exterior. its most time for Zoey to think for herself and do for her own good. I wish Commando Zoey was here more than.

How Zoey could be fixed?

Don't be so distressing Zoey. Yous still can be fix

Showtime of all I really think Zoey should have got more average girl look instead of a model. This manner she would be more relatable and information technology will fit more to her grapheme. Second, I think chaging her reason for loneliness. Instead of "only child in small boondocks" she could have social anxiety disorder. as a person with SAD I remember it could be and so cracking to see character with Deplorable in the bear witness.

for the ROTI story. Instead of rejecting both Dawn and Dakota with the excuse of "they are weird" (and its irelevant in Dakota'southward example because in a proper writing Dakota never turn into mutant) she decline them because she is agape. She does non know what to practise or what to say to brand other likes her. it means she will decline sometimes Mike'south flirts. When Vito is arrive and flirt with Anne Maria Zoey will see this as (I lost my chance). However Zoey is not total damsle in distress. She doesnt not need to exist saved every episode. She doest fine in challanges. and improving her social skills throut the season.

In the merge its all goes the aforementioned for the most part because the canon ROTI Zoey was fine when Mike wasn't here. Just instead of Commando Zoey, she just go more angry. She stop to intendance nearly others opinions. She had enough and she merely want to stop with this season. She detest to exist common cold and emotionless but she doest non want to be injure past others anymore.

withal she still maneging to save Cameron'due south life in the semi final

If Mal is going to be the master antagonist of TDAS, Cameron will exist vs Jo in ROTI finale.

in TDAS Zoey volition the simillar to catechism Zoey in her personality. But she had more struggles. Non everyone worshiping her, she is tarteg for elimination. She is stronger than her ROTI self merely still not the gilt girl she was in the actual serial. She is the first ane who suspect about Mike and won't belive anything he say. however Zoey won't brand information technology to the finale. Just she leave the season as a new person.

if Jo is going to be the chief adversary of TDAS, ROTI finale will be Zoey vs Lightning. than in TDAS Zoey will be an pre-merge boot. Simply she still have with herself her development.

Personal opinion and closing

"Well... Dawn's tarot were correct. I really am a controversial character"

And then Zoey, as the championship of the blog says, is a good concpet and at that place is great idea behind. But rushed writing just ruined everything. Zoey was abrasive from time to times but I maneged to see the adept things about her. Zoey is a grapheme that can be fixed so easily. Yet, after TDAS, it would be the best if Zoey won't compete e'er again UNLESS nosotros need a fodder. Zoey overall is a expert person and we need people like her in the show, but with much ameliorate writing.

This is my blog about my full opinion most Zoey. If you lot want yous can vote for my next blog.

<poll> What should be my next blog? Revenge of the Island and the treatment for the females Why Sky's actions through the seasons make sense


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