Another Name for Hay Used as Animal Feed Poppy the Troll


to turn; to throw as in dice; a small bread

Not to be confused with:

role – a part played by an actor; a function: the role of a wife

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree



v. rolled, roll·ing, rolls

v. intr.

1. To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.

2. To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers: rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters.

3. To travel around; wander: roll from town to town.


a. To travel or be carried in a vehicle.

b. To be carried on a stream: The logs rolled down the cascading river.


a. To start to move or operate: The press wouldn't roll.

b. To work or succeed in a sustained way; gain momentum: The political campaign finally began to roll.

6. To go by; elapse: The days rolled along.

7. To recur. Often used with around: Summer has rolled around again.

8. To move in a periodic revolution, as a planet in its orbit.

9. To turn over and over: The puppy rolled in the mud.

10. To shift the gaze usually quickly and continually: The child's eyes rolled with fright.

11. To turn around or revolve on an axis.

12. To move or advance with a rising and falling motion; undulate: The waves rolled toward shore.

13. To extend or appear to extend in gentle rises and falls: The dunes roll to the sea.

14. To move or rock from side to side: The ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas.

15. To walk with a swaying, unsteady motion.

16. Slang To experience periodic rushes after taking an intoxicating drug, especially MDMA.

17. To take the shape of a ball or cylinder: Yarn rolls easily.

18. To become flattened by pressure applied by a roller.

19. To make a deep, prolonged, surging sound: Thunder rolled in the distance.

20. To make a sustained trilling sound, as certain birds do.

21. To beat a drum in a continuous series of short blows.

22. To pour, flow, or move in a continual stream: tourists rolling into the city.

23. To enjoy ample amounts: rolled in the money.

v. tr.

1. To cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.

2. To move or push along on wheels or rollers: rolled the plane out of the hangar.

3. To impel or send onward in a steady, swelling motion: The sea rolls its waves onto the sand.

4. To impart a swaying, rocking motion to: Heavy seas rolled the ship.

5. To turn around or partly turn around; rotate: rolled his head toward the door.

6. To cause to begin moving or operating: roll the cameras; roll the presses.

7. To extend or lay out: rolled out a long rope.

8. To pronounce or utter with a trill: You must roll your r's in Spanish.

9. To utter or emit in full, swelling tones.

10. To beat (a drum) with a continuous series of short blows.

11. To wrap (something) round and round upon itself or around something else. Often used with up: roll up a poster.


a. To envelop or enfold in a covering: roll dirty laundry in a sheet.

b. To make by shaping into a ball or cylinder: roll a cigarette.

13. To spread, compress, or flatten by applying pressure with a roller: roll pastry dough.

14. Printing To apply ink to (type) with a roller or rollers.

15. Games To throw (dice), as in craps.

16. Slang To rob (a drunken, sleeping, or otherwise helpless person).


1. The act or an instance of rolling.

2. Something rolled up: a roll of tape.

3. A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.

4. A piece of parchment or paper that may be or is rolled up; a scroll.

5. A register or a catalogue.

6. A list of names of persons belonging to a group.

7. A mass in cylindrical or rounded form: a roll of tobacco.


a. A small loaf of bread, portioned for one individual and often served as a side dish or appetizer or used to make a sandwich.

b. A portion of food wrapped around a filling: cinnamon roll; sushi roll.

9. A rolling, swaying, or rocking motion.

10. A gentle swell or undulation of a surface: the roll of the plains.

11. A deep reverberation or rumble: the roll of thunder.

12. A rapid succession of short sounds: the roll of a drum.

13. A trill: the roll of his r's.

14. A resonant, rhythmical flow of words.

15. A roller, especially a cylinder on which to roll something up or with which to flatten something.


a. An amount of rotation around a longitudinal axis, as of an aircraft or boat.

b. A maneuver in which an airplane makes a single complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude.

17. Slang Money, especially a wad of paper money.

Phrasal Verbs:

roll back

1. To reduce (prices or wages, for example) to a previous lower level.

2. To cause to turn back or retreat.

roll out

1. To get out of bed.

2. To initiate or produce for the first time; introduce: roll out a new product line.

3. Football To execute a rollout.

roll over

1. To defer or postpone payment of (an obligation).

2. To renegotiate the terms of (a financial deal).

3. To reinvest (funds from a maturing security or from a tax-deferred account) into a similar security or account.

roll up

1. To arrive in a vehicle.

2. To accumulate; amass: rolled up quite a fortune.

3. To destroy or eliminate by military action: "Give him some infantry and he would roll up the enemy flank" (Brooks D. Simpson).


on a roll Informal

Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success: "The stock market's on a roll" (Karen Pennar).

roll in the hay Slang

Sexual intercourse.

roll the bones Games

To cast dice, especially in craps.

roll with the punches Slang

To cope with and withstand adversity, especially by being flexible.

[Middle English rollen, from Old French roler, from Vulgar Latin *rotulāre, from Latin rotula, diminutive of rota, wheel; see ret- in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. to move or cause to move along by turning over and over

2. to move or cause to move along on wheels or rollers

3. to flow or cause to flow onwards in an undulating movement: billows of smoke rolled over the ground.

4. (Zoology) (intr) (of animals, etc) to turn onto the back and kick: the hills roll down to the sea.

5. (intr) to extend in undulations: the hills roll down to the sea.

6. (usually foll by: around) to move or occur in cycles

7. (Astronomy) (intr) (of a planet, the moon, etc) to revolve in an orbit

8. (intr; foll by on, by, etc ) to pass or elapse: the years roll by.

9. to rotate or cause to rotate wholly or partially: to roll one's eyes.

10. to curl, cause to curl, or admit of being curled, so as to form a ball, tube, or cylinder; coil

11. to make or form by shaping into a ball, tube, or cylinder: to roll a cigarette.

12. ( often foll by out) to spread or cause to spread out flat or smooth under or as if under a roller: to roll the lawn; to roll pastry.

13. to emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound: the thunder rolled continuously.

14. to trill or cause to be trilled: to roll one's r's.

15. (intr) (of a vessel, aircraft, rocket, etc) to turn from side to side around the longitudinal axis. Compare pitch1 11, yaw1

16. (Aeronautics) to cause (an aircraft) to execute a roll or (of an aircraft) to execute a roll (sense 40). (of an aircraft) to execute or cause an aircraft to execute a roll41

17. (intr) to walk with a swaying gait, as when drunk; sway

18. (often foll by: over) (of an animal, esp a dog) to lie on its back and wriggle while kicking its legs in the air, without moving along

19. (intr) to wallow or envelop oneself (in)

20. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to apply ink to (type, etc) with a roller or rollers

21. (Games, other than specified) to throw (dice)

22. (intr) to operate or begin to operate: the presses rolled.

23. (intr) informal to make progress; move or go ahead: let the good times roll.

24. (tr) informal chiefly US and NZ to rob (a helpless person, such as someone drunk or asleep)

25. (tr) slang to have sexual intercourse or foreplay with (a person)

26. start the ball rolling set the ball rolling to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc)


27. the act or an instance of rolling

28. anything rolled up in a cylindrical form: a roll of newspaper.

29. an official list or register, esp of names: an electoral roll.

30. a rounded mass: rolls of flesh.

31. a strip of material, esp leather, fitted with pockets or pouches for holding tools, toilet articles, needles and thread, etc

32. (Tools) a cylinder used to flatten something; roller

33. (Cookery) a small loaf of bread for one person: eaten plain, with butter, or as a light meal when filled with meat, cheese, etc

34. (Cookery) a flat pastry or cake rolled up with a meat (sausage roll), jam (jam roll), or other filling. See also swiss roll

35. a swell, ripple, or undulation on a surface: the roll of the hills.

36. a swaying, rolling, or unsteady movement or gait

37. a deep prolonged reverberating sound: the roll of thunder.

38. a rhythmic cadenced flow of words

39. a trilling sound; trill

40. (Music, other) a very rapid beating of the sticks on a drum

41. (Aeronautics) a flight manoeuvre in which an aircraft makes one complete rotation about its longitudinal axis without loss of height or change in direction

42. the angular displacement of a vessel, rocket, missile, etc, caused by rolling

43. (Games, other than specified) a throw of dice

44. (Tools) a bookbinder's tool having a brass wheel, used to impress a line or repeated pattern on the cover of a book

45. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a bookbinder's tool having a brass wheel, used to impress a line or repeated pattern on the cover of a book

46. slang an act of sexual intercourse or petting (esp in the phrase a roll in the hay)

47. (Banking & Finance) slang US an amount of money, esp a wad of paper money

48. on a roll slang experiencing continued good luck or success

49. strike off the roll strike off the rolls

a. to expel from membership

b. to debar (a solicitor) from practising, usually because of dishonesty

[C14 rollen, from Old French roler, from Latin rotulus a little wheel, from rota a wheel]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to move along a surface by turning over and over.

2. to move or be moved on wheels.

3. to flow or advance with an undulating motion, as waves.

4. to extend in undulations, as land.

5. to elapse, as time.

6. to move as in a cycle, as seasons (usu. fol. by round or around).

7. to emit or have a deep, prolonged sound, as thunder.

8. to trill, as a bird.

9. to turn over, as a person lying down.

10. (of the eyes) to turn around in different directions.

11. (of a vessel)

a. to rock from side to side in open water.

b. to sail with a side-to-side rocking motion.

12. to walk with a swinging or swaying gait.

13. Informal.

a. to begin to move or operate: Let's roll at sunrise.

b. to make progress; advance: The project is really rolling now.

14. to curl up so as to form a ball or cylinder.

15. to become spread out or flattened.

16. (of an aircraft or rocket) to deviate from a stable flight attitude by rotation about the longitudinal axis.


17. to cause to move along a surface by turning over and over.

18. to move along on wheels or rollers.

19. to drive or cause to flow onward with an undulating motion.

20. to utter or give forth with a full, flowing, continuous sound.

21. to trill: to roll one's r 's.

22. to cause to turn over.

23. to turn around in different directions: to roll one's eyes.

24. to cause to sway or rock from side to side, as a ship.

25. to wrap around an axis or around itself: to roll string.

26. to make by forming into a cylinder: to roll a cigarette.

27. to spread out flat (something curled up) (often fol. by out).

28. to wrap or envelop, as in a covering.

29. to spread out, level, compact, or the like, as with a rolling pin.

30. to beat (a drum) with rapid, continuous strokes.

31. (in certain games, as craps) to throw (dice).

32. to apply (ink) with a roller or series of rollers.

33. Slang. to rob, esp. by going through the pockets of a victim who is asleep or drunk.

34. roll back, to reduce (prices, wages, etc.) to a former level.

35. roll in, Informal. to arrive, esp. in large numbers or quantity: When does the money start rolling in?

36. roll out,

a. to spread out or flatten.

b. Informal. to arise, as from bed.

c. Football. to execute a rollout.

37. roll over, to reinvest (funds), as from one stock or bond into another.

38. roll up,

a. to amass in increasing quantities or amounts.

b. to arrive in a car, carriage, or other vehicle.


39. a piece of paper, parchment, or the like, that is rolled up.

40. a register, catalog, or list, as of membership.

41. anything rolled up in a ringlike or cylindrical form.

42. a length of cloth, wallpaper, or the like, rolled up in cylindrical form, often forming a definite measure.

43. a cylindrical or rounded mass of something: rolls of fat.

44. a roller.


a. thin cake spread with jelly or the like and rolled up.

b. a small cake of bread sometimes folded over before baking.

c. meat rolled up and cooked.

46. an act or instance of rolling.

47. undulation, as of a surface.

48. a sonorous or rhythmical flow of words.

49. a deep, prolonged sound, as of thunder or drums.

50. the trill of certain birds.

51. a rolling motion or gait.

52. Aerospace.

a. a single, complete rotation of an airplane about the axis of the fuselage with little loss of altitude or change of direction.

b. (of an aircraft or rocket) the act of rolling.

c. the angular displacement caused by rolling.

53. Informal.

a. paper currency carried folded or rolled up.

b. bankroll; funds.

54. (in various dice games)

a. a single cast of or turn at casting the dice.

b. the total number of pips or points made by a single cast; score or point.


1. on a roll, experiencing an interval of success and good fortune.

2. roll with the punches, to cope by accommodating to adversity and remaining flexible.

[1175–1225; (n.) Middle English: scroll, register, cylindrical object < Old French ro(u)lle < Latin rotulus, rotula small wheel, diminutive of rota wheel; (v.) Middle English < Old French rol(l)er < Vulgar Latin *rotulare, derivative of Latin rotulus, rotula]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The rotation of an aircraft or ship about its longitudinal axis.
2. In air photography, the camera rotation about the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. Also called tilt. See also tilt angle.

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


 a succession of sounds.

Examples: roll of drums (drum beats), 1842; of language, 1858; of thunder, 1818; of breaking waves, 1889.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



These words are both pronounced /rəʊl/.

1. 'role'

Your role is your position and what you do in a situation or society.

What is the role of the university in modern society?

He had played a major role in the formation of the United Nations.

A role is also one of the characters that an actor or singer plays in a film, play, opera, or musical.

She played the leading role in The Winter's Tale.

2. 'roll'

A roll is a very small loaf of bread.

The soup is served with a roll and butter.

A roll of something such as cloth or paper is a long piece of it wrapped many times around itself or around a tube.

I bought a roll of wallpaper.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: rolled
Gerund: rolling
I roll
you roll
he/she/it rolls
we roll
you roll
they roll
I rolled
you rolled
he/she/it rolled
we rolled
you rolled
they rolled
Present Continuous
I am rolling
you are rolling
he/she/it is rolling
we are rolling
you are rolling
they are rolling
Present Perfect
I have rolled
you have rolled
he/she/it has rolled
we have rolled
you have rolled
they have rolled
Past Continuous
I was rolling
you were rolling
he/she/it was rolling
we were rolling
you were rolling
they were rolling
Past Perfect
I had rolled
you had rolled
he/she/it had rolled
we had rolled
you had rolled
they had rolled
I will roll
you will roll
he/she/it will roll
we will roll
you will roll
they will roll
Future Perfect
I will have rolled
you will have rolled
he/she/it will have rolled
we will have rolled
you will have rolled
they will have rolled
Future Continuous
I will be rolling
you will be rolling
he/she/it will be rolling
we will be rolling
you will be rolling
they will be rolling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been rolling
you have been rolling
he/she/it has been rolling
we have been rolling
you have been rolling
they have been rolling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been rolling
you will have been rolling
he/she/it will have been rolling
we will have been rolling
you will have been rolling
they will have been rolling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been rolling
you had been rolling
he/she/it had been rolling
we had been rolling
you had been rolling
they had been rolling
I would roll
you would roll
he/she/it would roll
we would roll
you would roll
they would roll
Past Conditional
I would have rolled
you would have rolled
he/she/it would have rolled
we would have rolled
you would have rolled
they would have rolled

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. roll - rotary motion of an object around its own axis roll - rotary motion of an object around its own axis; "wheels in axial rotation"

axial motion, axial rotation

gyration, revolution, rotation - a single complete turn (axial or orbital); "the plane made three rotations before it crashed"; "the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year"

wallow - an indolent or clumsy rolling about; "a good wallow in the water"

2. roll - a list of names roll - a list of names; "his name was struck off the rolls"


list, listing - a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)

batting order, lineup, card - (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat; "the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate"

death-roll - a list of persons killed in a war or other disaster

muster roll - a list of names of officers and men in a military unit or ship's company

church roll - a list of the members of church

rota - a roster of names showing the order in which people should perform certain duties

waiting list - a roster of those waiting to obtain something

3. roll - a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore roll - a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore

rolling wave, roller

moving ridge, wave - one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)

4. roll - photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light

photographic film, film - photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies

5. roll - a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals) roll - a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

curl, curlicue, gyre, ringlet, scroll, whorl, coil

corolla - (botany) the whorl of petals of a flower that collectively form an inner floral envelope or layer of the perianth; "we cultivate the flower for its corolla"

calyx - (botany) the whorl of sepals of a flower collectively forming the outer floral envelope or layer of the perianth enclosing and supporting the developing bud; usually green

round shape - a shape that is curved and without sharp angles

verticil - a whorl of leaves growing around a stem

6. roll - a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.) roll - a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.); "he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag"


business enterprise, commercial enterprise, business - the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects; "computers are now widely used in business"

cash in hand, finances, funds, monetary resource, pecuniary resource - assets in the form of money

7. roll - small rounded bread either plain or sweet roll - small rounded bread either plain or sweet


bread, breadstuff, staff of life - food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked

tea bread - sweetened buns to be eaten with tea

frankfurter bun, hotdog bun - a long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter

hamburger bun, hamburger roll - a round bun shaped to hold a hamburger patty

brioche - a light roll rich with eggs and butter and somewhat sweet

crescent roll, croissant - very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll

hard roll, Vienna roll - yeast-raised roll with a hard crust

soft roll - yeast-raised roll with a soft crust

kaiser roll - rounded raised poppy-seed roll made of a square piece of dough by folding the corners in to the center

Parker House roll - yeast-raised dinner roll made by folding a disk of dough before baking

clover-leaf roll - yeast-raised dinner roll made by baking three small balls of dough in each cup of a muffin pan

onion roll - yeast-raised roll flavored with onion

coffee roll, sweet roll - any of numerous yeast-raised sweet rolls with our without raisins or nuts or spices or a glaze

bagel, beigel - (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust

8. roll - a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells) roll - a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)

peal, pealing, rolling

sound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"

9. roll - the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously roll - the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously

drum roll, paradiddle

sound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"

10. roll - a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)


holograph, manuscript - handwritten book or document

Megillah - (Judaism) the scroll of parchment that contains the biblical story of Esther; traditionally read in synagogues to celebrate Purim

Torah - (Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written; is used in a synagogue during services

11. roll - anything rolled up in cylindrical form

bolt - a roll of cloth or wallpaper of a definite length

rouleau - a roll of coins wrapped in paper

rouleau - a roll of ribbon

cylinder - a solid bounded by a cylindrical surface and two parallel planes (the bases)

12. roll - the act of throwing dice


craps - a gambling game played with two dice; a first throw of 7 or 11 wins and a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses and a first throw of any other number must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses the bet and the dice

throw - casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly; "he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice"

natural - (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake

13. roll - walking with a swaying gait

gait - a person's manner of walking

14. roll - a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude

barrel roll - a roll in which the plane follows a spiral course

snap roll - a fast roll

airplane maneuver, flight maneuver - a maneuver executed by an aircraft

15. roll - the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)


bowling - the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc

actuation, propulsion - the act of propelling

Verb 1. roll - move by turning over or rotating roll - move by turning over or rotating; "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"

turn over

rim - roll around the rim of; "the ball rimmed the basket"

revolve, roll - cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis; "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"

turn - change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"

roll over - make a rolling motion or turn; "The dog rolled over"

avalanche, roll down - gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow

2. roll - move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle; "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"


go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"

bowl - roll (a ball)

troll - cause to move round and round; "The child trolled her hoop"

3. roll - occur in soft rounded shapes roll - occur in soft rounded shapes; "The hills rolled past"


4. roll - flatten or spread with a roller; "roll out the paper"

roll out

flatten - make flat or flatter; "flatten a road"; "flatten your stomach with these exercises"

cog - roll steel ingots

mill - roll out (metal) with a rolling machine

5. roll - emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound; "The thunder rolled"; "rolling drums"

sound, go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"

6. roll - arrange or or coil around; "roll your hair around your finger"; "Twine the thread around the spool"; "She wrapped her arms around the child"

twine, wrap, wind

spool - wind onto a spool or a reel

reel - wind onto or off a reel

ball - form into a ball by winding or rolling; "ball wool"

clew, clue - roll into a ball

coil, curl, loop - wind around something in coils or loops

move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"

wrap up, roll up - form a cylinder by rolling; "roll up a banner"

7. roll - begin operating or running; "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"

function, operate, work, run, go - perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore"

8. roll - shape by rolling; "roll a cigarette"

shape, form - give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young child's character"

9. roll - execute a roll, in tumbling; "The gymnasts rolled and jumped"

tumble - do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully

10. roll - sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity

pluck, hustle

steal - take without the owner's consent; "Someone stole my wallet on the train"; "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"

11. roll - move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion roll - move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion; "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the beach"

flap, undulate, wave

move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"

luff - flap when the wind is blowing equally on both sides; "the sails luffed"

12. roll - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment roll - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"

roam, rove, stray, vagabond, wander, swan, ramble, range, drift, tramp, cast

go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"

maunder - wander aimlessly

gad, gallivant, jazz around - wander aimlessly in search of pleasure

drift, err, stray - wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course"

wander - go via an indirect route or at no set pace; "After dinner, we wandered into town"

13. roll - move, rock, or sway from side to side; "The ship rolled on the heavy seas"

rock, sway, shake - move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet"

14. roll - cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis; "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"


move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"

roll, turn over - move by turning over or rotating; "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"

transit - revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction

15. roll - pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/; "She rolls her r's"

enounce, enunciate, pronounce, sound out, articulate, say - speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"

16. roll - boil vigorously; "The liquid was seething"; "The water rolled"


roil, churn, moil - be agitated; "the sea was churning in the storm"

17. roll - take the shape of a roll or cylinder; "the carpet rolled out"; "Yarn rolls well"

change form, change shape, deform - assume a different shape or form

18. roll - show certain properties when being rolled; "The carpet rolls unevenly"; "dried-out tobacco rolls badly"

roll up

change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"

wrap up, roll up - form a cylinder by rolling; "roll up a banner"

furl, roll up - form into a cylinder by rolling; "Roll up the cloth"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. turn, wheel, spin, reel, go round, revolve, rotate, whirl, swivel, pivot, twirl, gyrate The car went off the road and rolled over into a ditch.

4. (often with up) wind, bind, wrap, twist, curl, coil, swathe, envelop, entwine, furl, enfold He took off his sweater and rolled it into a pillow.

7. rumble, boom, echo, drum, roar, thunder, grumble, resound, reverberate guns firing, drums rolling, cymbals clashing


5. register, record, list, table, schedule, index, catalogue, directory, inventory, census, chronicle, scroll, roster, annals A new electoral roll should be drawn up.

7. turn, run, spin, rotation, cycle, wheel, revolution, reel, whirl, twirl, undulation, gyration control the roll of the ball

roll in

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To cover completely and closely, as with clothing or bandages:

2. To move vigorously from side to side or up and down:

3. To lean suddenly, unsteadily, and erratically from the vertical axis:

4. To make a continuous deep reverberating sound:

5. To proceed with ease, especially of expression:

6. To take extravagant pleasure:

phrasal verb
roll out phrasal verb
roll up

To bring together so as to increase in mass or number:

accrue, accumulate, agglomerate, aggregate, amass, collect, cumulate, garner, gather, hive, pile up.


A series, as of names or words, printed or written down:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


تَتَدَحْرَج الأمواج نحْو الشاطئ تَمايُل دَحْرَجَه دَوي، قَصْف رَغيف مُسْتَدير

kutálet válet role seznam svinout

rulle bolle bulder buldre dælle

hokea jyminä jyrä jyrinä kääriä


kotrljati se pecivo rola

gurít zsemle

aka, keyra druna drynja fletja út hnoîa, rúlla

ロールパン 転がり 転がる

구르다 두루마리 브레드 롤

aizritēt apvelt apvelties bolīt braukt

fald knísanie kotúľať odkotúľať váľanie

kotaliti kotaliti se naviti valiti se zavihati

rulla rulle småfranska vals virvel

กลิ้ง ขนมปังกลม ม้วน

lăn ổ bánh mì quấn sự lăn tròn tài liệu




[ball, coin, stone] → rouler
The ball rolled into the net → Le ballon a roulé dans le filet.
to be rolling in money >, to be rolling in it > → être plein(e) aux as

[car, bus, train]
The bus rolled to a stop → L'autobus s'arrêta doucement.
The lorry rolled forward → Le camion s'avança doucement.

(= move from side to side) [ship] → rouler

(= function) [camera, machine] → tourner

(= close) [+ blind] → baisser

(= open) to roll down one's window (in car)baisser sa vitre

roll in

vi [mail, cash] → affluer

roll on


(= pass) [years, time] → passer

vt sep

(= close) [+ car window] → fermer

(= open) [+ blind] → lever

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vt barrel, hoop, ball, carrollen; umbrellaaufrollen; cigarettedrehen; pastry, doughausrollen; metal, lawn, roadwalzen; to roll one's eyesdie Augen rollen or verdrehen; to roll one's r'sdas R rollen; to roll something between one's fingersetw zwischen den Fingern drehen; to roll one's own (cigarettes) → sich (dat)seine eigenen drehen; to roll wool into a ballWolle zu einem Knäuel aufwickeln; the hedgehog rolled itself into a ballder Igel rollte sich zu einer Kugel zusammen; he rolled himself in a blanketer wickelte sich in eine Decke; it has a kitchen and a dining room rolled into onees hat eine Küche und Esszimmer in einem ? also rolled





(lit: = rolling back) → Zurückrollen nt





Elastikschlüpfer m

(also roll-on deodorant)Deoroller m


adjRoll-on-roll-off-; roll ferryRoll-on-roll-off-Fähre f



(= presentation of new aircraft)Roll-out m; (launch of new product) → (Produkt)präsentation f, → (Produkt)einführung f

(of aircraft on runway)Ausrollen nt



(Fin, of loan etc) → Laufzeitverlängerung f

attr (Brit, in National Lottery) roll week Woche mit Lotto-Jackpot, da es in der vorhergehenden Woche keinen Hauptgewinner gab; roll jackpotJackpot m

roll-top desk

nRollschreibtisch m


n (Brit inf) → Selbstgedrehte f; to have a roll sich (dat)eine drehen

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. n

b. (also bread roll) → panino
cheese roll → panino al formaggio

c. (list) → lista
to have 500 pupils on the roll → avere 500 iscritti (alla scuola)

e. (movement, of ship, plane) → rollio

roll by vi + adv (vehicle, years) → passare

roll on vi + adv (time) → passare
roll on the holidays! → venite presto, vacanze!

roll up

1. vi + adv

a. (animal) to roll up into a ballappallottolarsi

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəul) noun

1. anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc. a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll. rol مِلَف أسْطُواني руло rolo role die Rolle rulle; -rulle ρολό rollo rull حلقه؛ توپ rulla rouleau גליל गोला smotak, rola tekercs gulungan rúlla; strangi; spóla rotolo 巻いたもの 두루마리 ritinys, rulonas ritulis; rullis gulungan rol rull rolka کړی، توپ rolo rulou, sul рулон zvitok zvitek rolna rulle ม้วน top, rulo, makara сувій لپٹا ہوا súc; cuộn 卷滚动

2. a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches. a cheese roll. rolletjie, bolletjie رَغيف مُسْتَدير кифла pãozinho rohlík, veka die Roulade bolle; -bolle ψωμάκι, φραντζολάκι panecillo kukkel kääryle, sarvi petit pain גליל सूची pecivo, žemička zsemle sejenis roti rúnstykki, bolla panino ロールパン 말아서 만든 것 bandelė maizīte roti yang digulung broodje rundstykke; kuvertbrød bułka ساندويچ pãozinho franzeluţă булочка rožok žemljica rolnica småfranska, kuvertbröd ก้อนขนมปัง (yuvarlak) sandviç ekmek 圓麵包 кругла булочка سینڈوچ بنانے کے لیے پکی ہوءی روٹی کا ٹکڑا ổ bánh mỳ nhỏ 圆面包卷饼

3. an act of rolling. Our dog loves a roll on the grass. rol دَحْرَجَه търкаляне viradela válení das Rollen rul κύλισμα, στριφογύρισμα acción de revolcarse/rodar rullumine, püherdamine غلت piehtarointi roulade התגלגלות लहरदार, लुढ़कता, घूमता valjanje hempergés berguling-guling það að velta sér (il) rotolarsi* ころがること 구르기 ritinėjimasis vāļāšanās; ripināšanās berguling het rollen rulling tarzanie się رغړول viradela rostogolire кувыркание váľanie valjanje valjanje rullning การกลิ้ง; การม้วน yuvarlanma 滾動 качання لوٹنا sự cuộn mình 滚动滚

4. a ship's action of rocking from side to side. She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill. gerol, geskommel تَمايُل клатене balanço kymácení das Rollen rulning κούνημα balanceo rullamine چرخش؛ تلاطم keinunta roulis טלטול झूमती हुई चाल, लहराती हुई चाल-ढाल valjanje himbálódzás oleng veltingur rollio 横揺れ (배의) 옆질 sūpavimas šūpošanās; zvalstīšanās goyangan kapal slingering rulling kołysanie څرخیدل balanço (mişcare de) ruliu качка knísanie zibanje ljuljanje rullning, rullande การโคลง sallanma, yalpalama 搖晃 качання; крен جہاز کا بل کھانا sự lắc lư 摇晃

5. a long low sound. the roll of thunder. brom دَوي، قَصْف тътен trovão rachot das Rollen bulder μπουμπουνητό retumbo, fragor mürin غرش jyrinä roulement קוֹל מִתגַלגֵל गड़गड़ाहट orljava (groma) morajlás gelegar druna rombo とどろき 으르렁거림 dundėjimas duna; dārdi deruman gerommel rulling, rumling grzmot غوریدل trovão bubuit раскат rachot bobnenje grmljavina muller, dunder เสียงต่ำและยาว gümbürtü, gürleme 隆隆聲 гуркіт ایک طویل مرتعش آواز tiếng sấm vang rền 轰隆声

6. a thick mass of flesh. I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist. rol كُتْلَه слой papo záhyb, fald der Wulst dælle ποσότητα λίπους στο σώμα, δίπλα michelín rasvavolt قلمبه؛ تیکه läskimakkara bourrelet "צְמִיגִים" masne naslage, jastučići (debljina) zsírpárna gumpalan húðfelling, (fitu)keppur rotolo ぜい肉 두꺼운 살 덩어리 rievė kunkulis; pikucis bahagian daging laag valk, bilring zwał تيكه papo halcă складки záhyb, fald kolobar (sala) salo valk เนื้อหนา ๆ kıvrım, topak 一團肉 в'язанка گوشت کا ڈھیر lằn thịt 一团(人体)肉肉

7. a series of quick beats (on a drum). rommel, trommel قَرْع الطَّبْل биене на барабан rufo víření der Trommelwirbel trommehvirvel τυμπανοκρουσία redoble põrin ضربات بلند و پی در پی pärinä roulement רַעַם תוֹף ढोल की धमधम (बराबर पीटा जाना) basovi dobpergés gerentang léttur, hraður trumbusláttur rullio, rullo すり打ち (북의) 둥둥거림 tratėjimas (bungu) rīboņa dentuman gendang roffel trommevirvel werbel لوړ او پرله پسی ضربی rufo duruit барабанная дробь vírenie tuš (bobnanje) udaranje virvel เสียงรัว gümbürtü 連續快速擊鼓聲 барабанний бій ڈھول کی مسلسل تیز آواز những hồi trống 快速击鼓声


1. to move by turning over like a wheel or ball. The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away. rol يَتَدَحْرَج търкалям (се) rolar kutálet (se) rollen rulle; trille κυλώ, τσουλάω rodar veerema, veeretama چرخیدن kieriä rouler לְהִתגַלגֵל घूमा kotrljati (se) gurul menggelinding rúlla, velta rotolare ころげる (바퀴 처럼) 굴러서 움직이다 pa(si)risti, nusiristi ripināt; velt; ripināties; velties menggolekkan rollen rulle toczyć څرخیدل rolar a (se) rostogoli катиться (od)kotúľať (sa) kotaliti (se) kotrljati se rulla กลิ้ง yuvarlanmak, tekerlenmek 滾動 крутити(ся); котити(ся) لڑھکانا lăn 滚转

2. to move on wheels, rollers etc. The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again. ry يُدَحْرِج، يَتَدَحْرَج търкалям се rolar valit (se) rollen rulle; trille κυλώ πανω σε ρόδες rodar (rattal) sõitma بلا بردن؛ بالا کشیدن vieriä rouler לְגַלגֵל लुढ़कना koturati (se) gördül menggelindingkan rúlla, velta rotolare, far rotolare* ころがす 바퀴, 굴림대로 움직이다 risti(s), ridenti ripināt menggerakkan dengan tayar rollen trille toczyć پورته وړل، پورته کشول rolar a se mişca/a merge pe roţi катиться viezť, ťahať odkotaliti kotrljati rulla กลิ้ง; ขับเคลื่อนบนล้อ yuvarlamak 推,靠輪子移動 котити چکر دینا đẩy; lăn 靠轮子滚动

3. to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding. to roll the carpet back. oprol يَلُف навивам на руло enrolar svinout rollen rulle τυλίγω enrollar rullima لوله کردن rullata rouler לְגַלגֵל लपेटना zarolati (fel)göngyölít menggulung vefja, vinda arrotolare, avvolgere 巻く (종이, 실 등을) 원통, 공 모양으로 말다 (su)vynioti satīt; saritināt menggulung oprollen rulle sammen/opp zwinąć لوله کول enrolar a face sul сворачивать zvinúť zviti motati rulla ม้วน dürmek, sarmak 捲起 згортати, скручувати لپیٹنا cuộn thành ống 卷成圆筒

4. (of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over. The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back. rol, omrol يَقْلِب، يَبْرُم търкалям се virar(-se) převalit (se) rollen rulle γυρίζω από την άλλη μεριά dar la vuelta ümber keerama, pöörama غاتیدن؛ غلتاندن kääntää rouler לְהִתגַלגֵל घुमाना okretati (se) hempereg menggulingkan velta (sér), snúa (sér) við girare, girarsi 寝返らせる 몸을 뒤집다 pa(si)versti, vartytis, voliotis []velt; []velties memusingkan wentelen snu, rulle przewrócić غورځول virar a (se) întoarce переворачиваться prevaliť (sa) prevaliti (se) okrenuti rulla หมุนตัว; กลิ้งตัว dönmek 翻滾 повертати لیٹنا cuộn; đẩy 翻滚

5. to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands. He rolled the clay into a ball. rol يَلُف على شَكْل طابَه правя топка moldar uválet rollen forme δίνω σε κτ. το σχήμα μπάλας ή ρολού moldear voolima مالاندن pyörittää rouler לְגַלגֵל धीमे चलना oblikovati (rukama) sodor, gyúr membentuk bola hnoða, rúlla arrotolare 丸める (진흙 등을) 굴려서 공 모양을 만들다 suvolioti saritināt; sarullēt membentuk oprollen rulle rozwałkować, utoczyć را ارغړول moldar a face în formă de minge скатывать vyváľať svaljkati rolati rulla คลึงด้วยลูกกลิ้ง yuvarlamak зкачати گیلی مٹی کو گھما کر گیند کی شکل بنانا nặn

6. to cover with something by rolling. When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket. toevou يَلْتَف، يَتَدَثَّر овалвам се envolver zabalit wälzen rulle ind i τυλίγω envolver, liar sisse keerama, rullima پیچاندن؛ پیچیددن kääriä enrouler לְגַלגֵל बेलना zamotati becsavar menggulung vefja inn í avvolgere くるむ 둘둘 싸다 susukti, suvynioti []vīstīt menutup dengan menggulung wikkelen rulle zawinąć تاوول envolver a înfăşura завертывать zabaliť, zvinúť zamotati uviti rulla ห่อด้วยการม้วน sarmak, örtmek обертати کسی چیز سے لپیٹ کر ڈھکنا quấn

7. to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it. to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out). platrol يُمَهِّد ، يُسَوّي разточвам alisar com rolo (u)válcovat, (vy)válet ausrollen tromle; rulle ανοίγω, ισοπεδώνω, στρώνω alisar, allanar; estirar rullima صلف کردن tasoittaa rouler; étendre לִכבּוֹש, לְשַטֵח गड़गडद्याहट की आवाज करना zarolati, (po)valjati hengerel; kinyújt menggilas fletja út stendere, spianare 平にのばす (반죽 등을) 밀어 펴다 kočioti, voluoti nogludināt; izrullēt menggelek pletten kjevle ut; rulle walcować, wałkować هموارول alisar com rolo a netezi; a întinde (cu un rulou) укатывать;раскатывать (z)valcovať valjati preći valjkom välta, kavla นวดให้แบน açmak; tesviye etmek розкачувати کسی بھاری چیز کے ذریعے دوسری کو چپٹا کرنا làm phẳng

8. (of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards. The storm made the ship roll. skommel يَتَمايَل клатя (се) balançar kymácet schlingern rulle κουνιέμαι πέρ δώθε (για πλοίο) balancearse, mecerse rullama با جریان برده شدن keinua rouler לְהִיטַלטֵל लहराते हुए ले जाना या आगे बढ़ाना valjati (brod) himbálódzik oleng velta rollare 横揺れする 좌우로 흔들리다 sūpuotis šūpoties; zvalstīties berayun slingeren rulle, slingre kołysanie się له جریان سره وړل شوی balançar a se legăna крениться kolísať sa zibati (se) ljuljati se rulla, gunga, kränga โคลง sallamak, yalpalamak 搖晃 розкачуватися جہاز کا ادھر ادھر جھولنا lắc lư 摇晃

9. to make a series of low sounds. The thunder rolled; The drums rolled. brul, brom, rommel يَقْصِف، يُدَوّي буча reboar burácet, rachotit grollen, wirbeln buldre μπουμπουνίζω retumbar; redoblar müristama صدای بلند ایجاد کردن jyristä gronder, rouler לְהִתגַלגֵל बजाना, पीटना grmiti dörög bergemuruh drynja rimbombare; rullare とどろく (북 등이) 낮은 소리로 울리다 dundėti, griaudėti dunēt; dārdēt; rībēt berdentum rommelen, roffelen rulle grzmieć جګ غږ منځته راوړل reboar a bubui; a durui греметь burácať, rachotiť bobneti grmeti dundra, dåna, mullra ทำเสียงรัว gürlemek, gümbürdemek 隆隆聲 гриміти مرتعش آواز پیدا کرنا tiếng vang rền 隆隆声

10. to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc. rol يُديرُ عَيْنَيْهِ، يُقَلِّب عَيْنَيْهِ въртя revirar vyvalit rollen rulle κινώ κυκλικά τα μάτια μου (σε ένδειξη φόβου, έκπληξης κτλ.) poner los ojos en blanco (silmi) pööritama گرداندن؛ چرخاندن pyöritellä rouler לְהִתגַלגֵל एक टक देखना kolutati (očima) forgatja a szemét memandang dengan waspada ranghvolfa roteare 目をぎょろつかせる (눈알이) 뒤룩거리다 vartyti, išversti bolīt (acis) menunjukkan rasa takut, terkejut rollen rulle wywrócić ګرځول، څرخول revirar a roti вращать vyvaliť zavijati (oči) kolutati rulla, himla กลอกลูกตา fırıl fırıl döndürmek 眼睛轉動 крутити очима خوف زدہ ہو کر آنکھوں کو گول گول گھمانا trợn tròn mắt 使(眼球等)转动,眼睛骨碌碌转动

11. to travel in a car etc. We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst. ry يُسافِر بالسَّيّارَه пътувам с кола rodar jezdit, vozit se fahren trille ταξιδεύω με τροχοφόρο rodar, ir; viajar autoga sõitma سفر کردن rullata rouler לִנסוֹעַ בִּמכוֹנִית लुढ़कना, लुढ़काते या लढ़कते जाना kretati se ring(atózik) bermobil aka, keyra andare 車で行く 차를 타고 달리다 važiuoti, riedėti braukt; vizināties bergerak dengan kenderaan rijden kjøre, rulle turlać się سفرکول rodar a rula, a merge cu maşina ехать voziť sa voziti se putovati kolima rulla, åka ท่องเที่ยวด้วยรถ gitmek 搭車或開車 їхати موٹر گاڑی وغیرہ میں سفر کرنا đi du lịch bằng xe hơi 行驶

12. (of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily. The waves rolled in to the shore. inrol تَتَدَحْرَج الأمواج نحْو الشاطئ вълнувам се fluir valit se wälzen rulle κυματίζω ελαφρά ondular, fluir; romper veerema خوردن به käydä déferler לְהִתגַלגֵל लहराना valjati hömpölyög bergulung-gulung líða, berast mjúklega arrivare, giungere うねる (파도, 강이) 굽이치다 riedėti, plaukti viļņoties; skaloties bergerak perlahan (ombak) rollen rulle falować, płynąć, kołysać się خوړول fluir a se rostogoli (pe) струиться; накатываться valiť sa valiti se lagano se kretati rulla เคลื่อนเป็นลูกคลื่น ağır ağır hareket etmek; vurmak (波浪、河水)滾滾湧上 хвилюватися; котитися لہروں کا ہلکے ہلکے بہنا sóng cuồn cuộn 滚滚(波涛)

13. (of time) to pass. Months rolled by. verbygaan يَمُر минавам passar plynout dahinziehen περνώ pasar, sucederse mööduma سپری شدن vieriä s'écouler לַעֲבוֹר proteći, proletjeti elmúlik berlalu líða passare 過ぎる (때가) 지나다 bėgti, eiti aizritēt; paiet berlalu voorbijglijden przemijać تیریدل passar a se scurge проходить plynúť teči proći rulla, dra ผ่าน geçip gitmek (時光)流逝 проходити وقت گذرنا trôi qua (岁月等)流逝

ˈroller noun

1. any of a number of tube-shaped objects, or machines fitted with one or more such objects, for flattening, crushing, printing etc. a garden roller; a road-roller. roller مِدْحَلَه валяк cilindro válec die Walze tromle; -tromle κύλινδρος, οδοστρωτήρας rodillo rull مهر غلتان؛ غلتک jyrä, rulla rouleau מכבש, מעגילה बेलन valjak henger penggilas kefli, valtari rullo; compressore ローラー 롤러(땅고르는 기계, 밀방망이, 밀대, 페인트칠 롤러 등) volas, velenas veltnis; rullis penggelek wals valse, trommel walec لنګر cilindro a se scurge каток valec valjar valjak rulle, vals, vält, kavel ลูกกลิ้ง silindir 滾軋機 коток رولنے والا con lăn 滚轧机

2. a small tube-shaped object on which hair is wound to curl it. roller أسْطُوانَة لَف الشَّعْر ролка rolo natáčka der Lockenwickler curler μπικουτί, ρόλεϊ rulo juukserull بیگودی papiljotti rouleau גליל बेलन दलित uvijač hajcsavaró rol rambut hárrúlla rullo, bigodino ヘアーカーラー 머리 마는 기구 suktukas matu rullītis penggulung rambut krulpen hårrull wałek رغړندی rolo rulou; tăvălug; compresor бигуди natáčka navijalka papilotna rulle, spole ที่ม้วนผม bigudi 髮捲 бігуді کنگھا ống cuộn 卷发筒

3. a small solid wheel or cylinder on which something can be rolled along. roller أسْطُوانَة أو دولاب يَدور عَليْهِ جُزء من الآلَه ролка rolo kolečko, váleček die Rolle rulle; valse κυλινδρικός τροχός rodillo rull غلتنده rulla rouleau גַלגִילוֹן बेलन, बेलना, लोढ़ा valjak görgő rol hjól/sívalningur til að velta e-u á rullo 圧延機 (운반용) 굴림대 sukutis, ratukas cilindrs; spole tayar, silinder rol rulle, valse wałek چورلنډی rolo bigudiu ролик valec, koliesko valjček kotur rulle, spole, trissa ลูกกลิ้ง makara, tekerlek 滾筒 вал; ролик بیلن trục lăn 滚筒

4. a long large wave on the sea. deining مَوْجَةٌ كَبيرَه дълга вълна vagalhão vlna die Sturzwelle dønning μεγάλο κύμα ola grande lainevall موج خیزان suuri aalto lame de houle גַל אָרוֹך बड़ी लहर, उताल-तरंग val hosszú hullám ombak brimalda (onda lunga) 大波 큰 파도 didžiulė banga banga ombak besar roller dønning bałwan چرخندونکی vagalhão rolă вал vlna velik val veliki talas dyning, svallvåg ลูกคลื่นยักษ์ büyük dalga 巨浪 хвиля, вал سمندر کی بڑی لہر đợt sóng cuồn cuộn 巨浪

ˈrolling adjective

(of a landscape) having low hills and shallow valleys, without steep slopes. deinend ذو تِلال مُنْخَفِضَه بدون مُنْحَدَرات хълмист ondulado vlnitý weich dahinziehen bølgende; kuperet κυματιστός, λοφώδης ondulante laineline هموار و صاف kumpuileva onduleux מִתגַלגֵל उठती-गिरती लहरदार, बहुत धनी सम्पन्न, घूमता koji se valja (kotrlja, ori, njiše,..) dimbes-dombos pemandangan berbukit-bukit rendah öldóttur ondulato 起伏している 완만한 기복이 있는 banguotas paugurains kawasan tidak curam golvend kupert, bølgende falisty هموار اوصاف ondulado deluros, cu coline холмистый vlnitý valovit talasast böljande, kuperad ซึ่งเป็นเนินเตี้ย ๆ หุบเขาตื้น ๆ ไม่ลาดชัน dalgalı, inişli yokuşlu 綿延起伏的 пагористий گھومنے والا thoai thoải 绵延起伏的

ˈroller-skate noun

a skate with wheels instead of a blade. a pair of roller-skates. rolskaats حِذاء التَّزَلُّج ролкови кънки patins kolečková brusle der Rollschuh rulleskøjte τροχοπέδιλο, πατίνι patín sobre ruedas rulluisk کفش چرخک دار rullaluistin patin à roulettes גַלגִלִיוֹת पहिये का जूता koturaljka, rolšua görkorcsolya sepatu roda rúlluskauti pattino a rotelle ローラースケート 롤러 스케이트 riedutis skrituļslida kasut roda rolschaats rulleskøyte wrotka څرخ لرونکی اسکیټ patim role, patine cu rotile ролики kolieskové korčule kotalka koturaljka rullskridsko รองเท้าสเก็ตสี่ล้อสำหรับวิ่งบนกระดาน tekerlekli paten 滑輪鞋 ковзан на роликах گھرنی دار جوتے pa-tanh 旱冰鞋


to move on roller-skates. You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement. rolskaats يَسير بِحِذاء التَّزَلُّج карам ролкови кънки andar de patins jezdit na kolečkových bruslích rollschuhlaufen løbe på rulleskøjter κάνω πατίνι patinar sobre ruedas rulluiskudega sõitma اسکیت بازی کردن luistella rullaluistimilla faire du patin à roulettes לְהִתגַלגֵל पहिएदार स्केट गाड़ी koturati se görkorcsolyázik bersepatu roda renna sér á rúlluskautum (pattinare con i pattini a rotelle) ローラースケートをする 롤러 스케이트를 타다 važinėtis riedučiais skriet ar skrituļslidām bermain kasut roda rolschaatsen gå på rulleskøyter jeździć na wrotkach د اسکیټ لوبه andar de patins a merge pe patine cu rotile кататься на роликах jazdiť na kolieskových korčuliach kotalkati se voziti koturaljke åka rullskridsko เล่นสเก็ต paten yapmak, kaymak 溜滑輪 кататися на роликах گھرنی دار جوتوں پر چلنا trượt pa tanh 滑旱冰

ˈrolling-pin noun

a usually wooden roller for flattening out dough. koekroller شَوْبَك، مِرْقاق العَجين точилка rolo da massa váleček (na těsto) das Nudelholz kagerulle μαγειρικός πλάστης rodillo taignarull وردنه kaulin rouleau מערוך बेलना valjak za tijesto sodrófa penggilas adonan kökukefli matterello めん棒 밀방망이 kočėlas mīklas rullis penggelek kayu deegroller kjevle wałek do ciasta د لرګي خط rolo da massa rulou/sucitor (de pati­se­rie) скалка váľok (na cesto) valjar oklagija brödkavel ลูกกลิ้ง oklava 擀麵棒 качалка بیلن trục cán 擀面杖

roll in verb

to come in or be got in large numbers or amounts. I'd like to own a chain store and watch the money rolling in. inrol يَصِل بِكَمِيّات كَبيرَه прииждам entrar aos montes hrnout se hereinströmen trille ind εισρέω entrar a raudales, llegar en abundancia sisse voolama به مقدار زیاد آمدن virrata sisään affluer לִרוֹם लपेटना, ढकना, ओढ़ना, खूब धन दौलत होना pristizati beözönlik masuk berast í miklum mæli affluire ころがりこむ 많이 들어가다 plaukti, plūsti ieplūst bergolek masuk binnenrollen strømme inn napływać په ډیری اندازی سره راتلل entrar aos montes a veni în număr mare поступать в большом количестве hrnúť sa pritekati priticati rulla in หลั่งไหลเข้ามาอย่างมาก yağmak, oluk gibi akmak 滾滾而來 приходити у великій кількості دابڑی تعداد یا مقدار میں آنا trôi vào 滚滚而来

roll up

1. to form into a roll. to roll up the carpet; He rolled up his sleeves. oprol, opstoot يَلُف، يَطْوي قِطْعَة القِماش навивам enrolar srolovat aufrollen rulle τυλίγω, κάνω κτ. ρολό enrollar; arremangar rullima, üles käärima لوله کردن kääriä rouler; retrousser לְגַלגֵל सिकोड़ना, लपेटना smotati, umotati összegöngyölít, felcsavar menggulung vefja (e-ð) upp, bretta upp arrotolare, avvolgere 巻き上げる ...을 말다, 싸다 suvynioti, užraitoti saritināt; uzrotīt (piedurknes) menggulung oprollen rulle sammen; brette opp zrolować, zawinąć لوله کول enrolar a rula; a sufleca свертывать zrolovať zviti, zavihati zavrnuti rulla ihop (upp) ม้วนพับ kıvırmak, sıvamak 捲起 скручувати; закочувати لپیٹنا cuộn lại 卷起

2. to arrive. John rolled up ten minutes late. aankom يَصِل пристигам chegar přihrnout se aufkreuzen ankomme καταφτάνω llegar end kohale vedama رسیدن saapua arriver לְהַגִיע पहुचना stići megérkezik datang mæta, koma arrivare 着く 모습을 나타내다 atvažiuoti, užsukti ierasties tiba komen aanzetten komme anstigende przybyć, zajechać رسیدل chegar a apă­rea появиться dohrnúť sa priti stići infinna sig, dyka upp มาถึง arz-ı endam etmek, çıkagelmek 到達 з'являтися پہنچنا xuất hiện 到达

3. (especially shouted to a crowd at a fair etc) to come near. Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the bearded lady! kom hier هَلُمّوا! تَعالوا! هَيّا! приближавам се aproximar-se přistupte blíž näherkommen kom nærmere! για περάστε! acérquense lähemale tulema صدا زدن برای جمع کردن افراد tulla lähemmäs approchez! לְהִצטַרֵף अन्दर आना doći (Dođite!) Tessék! tessék! Folyvást közelebb... datanglah koma nær, ganga fram avvicinarsi いらっしゃい 가까이 오라고 소리치다 prieiti sanāciet!; sanāk! mari rapat komt dat zien! komme nærmere podejść bliżej د خلکو د ټولولو لپاره غږ کول aproximar-se apropiaţi-vă! не проходите мимо! pristúpte bližšie! Kar sem! okupite se hitåt!, välkomna hit! (ใช้ตะโกนใส่ฝูงชนในงาน) ให้เข้ามาใกล้ ๆ Geel gel!; Buyurun buyurun! 靠過來 підтягуйтеся! поспішайте! قریب بلانے کے لیے چیخنا đến gần 走近



a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc. There are nine hundred pupils on the roll. rol, lys سِجِل، مِلَف، جَدْوَل регистър registo de matrículas seznam das Verzeichnis navneliste κατάλογος ονομάτων lista nimekiri فهرست luettelo liste רשימה गोल गड्डी popis (név)jegyzék daftar (nafna)listi registro 名簿 출석부 sąrašas saraksts di dalam senarai naamlijst navneliste rejestr فهرست registo de matrículas catalog, listă список zoznam seznam spisak rulla, lista, förteckning รายชื่อ isim listesi 點名冊 список; відомість ناموں کی فہرست danh sách 名册

ˈroll-call noun

an act of calling names from a list, to find out if anyone is missing eg in a prison or school class. presensielys opneem مُناداة الأسْماء، تِلاوَة الأسْماء لِمَعْرِفَة الغائِبين проверка chamada vyvolávání jmen die Anwesenheitskontrollle navneopråb προσκλητήριο με βάση κατάλογο acto de pasar lista loendus ثبت حضور و غیاب nimenhuuto appel בְּדִיקַת נוֹכחוּת हाजिरी, उपस्थिति prozivka névsorolvasás;„katalógus" apel nafnakall appello 点呼 점호, 출석 조사 patikrinimas šaukiant pavardėmis pārbaude pēc saraksta memeriksa senarai appel navneopprop; mønstring, oppstilling wyczytanie listy د حاضر او غیر حاضر ثبت chamada strigare a catalo­gu­lui/a listei перекличка vyvolávanie mien klicanje po imenih prozivati po spisku upprop การขานชื่อ yoklama 點名 переклик حاضری بمطابق فہرست điểm danh 点名

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قُرْص مِنْ خُبْز, لَفَّة, يَتَدَحْرَجُ houska, kutálet (se), role bolle, rulle Brötchen, Rolle, rollen κυλώ, ρολό, ψωμάκι panecillo, rodar, rollo pyöriä, rulla, sämpylä petit pain, rouleau, rouler kotrljati se, pecivo, rola panino, rotolare, rotolo ロールパン, 転がり, 転がる 구르다, 두루마리, 브레드 롤 bolletje, rol, rollen rull, rulle, rundstykke bułka, potoczyć, rulon pão pequeno, pão redondo e pequeno, rebolar, rolar-se, rolo булка, катиться, сверток rulla, rulle, småfranska กลิ้ง, ขนมปังกลม, ม้วน yuvarlak ekmek, yuvarlanma, yuvarlanmak lăn, ổ bánh mì, sự lăn tròn 一卷, 小圆面包, 翻滚

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. panecillo;

vt. rodar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vi to — over voltearse, darse vuelta; Now roll over ..Ahora voltéese (dese vuelta); to — up (one's sleeve, pants leg, etc.) arremangarse, subirse la manga; Roll up your sleeve ..Arremánguese.. Súbase la manga.

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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